Answer Our Challenge!
The Baltimore County Democratic Party needs your help! Calling voters in swing states is a priority, but we still need to call voters in our own county and encourage them to make a plan to vote. Thus, we challenge Democrats across Baltimore County to see who can make the most calls! HOW: Register to make your calls count and receive a URL to a virtual phonebank: If you’re in one of our Democratic Clubs, please note it so your Club gets credit, because we’re challenging the clubs, too!! WHEN: The challenge runs this week and next, ending on October 18th. Winners will be announced on October 20. WHY and WHAT: Getting Joe Biden elected and helping voters navigate a more confusing election than usual is reward in itself, but individuals making the most calls can win campaign swag including yard signs. The winning club will receive a club banner or tablecloth to show our appreciation! MORE HOW: New to phone banking? Sign up for a short training session either Thursday 6:30-7 PM or Friday 6:30-7 PM: Answer our challenge and make sure Baltimore County Democrats vote! Comments are closed.
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October 2022